
Water purifier


Bottled water vs tap water filtered with the WAS device

In order to choose the most suitable bottled mineral water to our needs we must take account of the various parameters that are recorded on the label of the bottles on the market:

• Fixed residue (mineral salt content after the evaporation of 1 liter of water at 180 °), more this value is low, more the water is light
• pH indicates the degree of acidity of the water, a pH below 7 indicates acidic water, a pH equal to 7 indicates neutral water, a pH above 7 indicates alkaline water, acidic water favors the digestion, alkaline waters help balancing the acidity of the stomach
• Temperature of bottling water (degrees °C)
• Dissolved substances are the minerals present in a liter of water
• Bottled water must have a low value of the absence of nitrates and nitrites
• Bottled water must be bacteriologically pure
• The expiration date indicates the date by which it is advisable to consume water Bottled water should be stored in a cool place, away from light and heat of the sun, which can alter its characteristics.

The survey conducted as part of the European Atlas dell’EuroGeoSurveys Geochemistry Expert Group (published in May 2010 by the magazine Scientific American’) has allowed us to know all the data on the composition of mineral waters in Europe.
Analysis of mineral waters

With WAS you’ll get the water that will respond to your needs …..

….. and above all you’ll avoid all this …..



The osmotic water removes some of the minerals needed by our body?

The public health experts strongly recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.
To ingest the RDA (recomanded Daily Allowance – Recommended Daily Allowance) of some minerals useful to the organism, a person living for example in Milan should drink:
– 76 glasses of water a day to get the RDA of calcium
– 1,846 glasses of water a day to get the RDA of iron
– 168,960 glasses of water a day to get the RDA of phosphorus
So it is now commonly established that the water should not be considered as an element to count on for the contribution of the minerals necessary to the human body, because a healthy adult drinking 2 liters of average mineralized water per day one receives a contribution of calcium 6%, 3% magnesium.

Why drink water with a low dry residue is good?

With the chemical analysis we define the quality of the inorganic minerals found in water, in particular are determined amount of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, hydrogen, carbonate, sulfate, chloride, nitrate, silica, iron, aluminum, strontium , bromine, iodine, nitrite, phosphorus, mercury, barium and dissolved gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and others.
The sum of the inorganic minerals form the residue that is obtained by evaporating a liter of water to 180 ° C.
The residue is expressed in milligrams per liter and is a decisive parameter for the assessment of water quality, in fact, the lower is fixed residue better is the water quality.
This is because almost all inorganic minerals can not be assimilated by the human cells and are deposited in the body and give rise to disturbances in the medium to long term.

And the water safety for babies and pregnant women?

The legal limits imposed on drinking water are restrictive but not specific to these two categories, in particular pregnant women should keep an eye on nitrates, while for the children above nitrates the residue should be considered better to be low.
In conclusion, the residual water with very low fixed (values) is preferable for infants and pregnant women.



In our aquarium the main element is of course water. for fish becomes and invertebrates is much more than the air for birds or land animals: water in fact become part of their body composition up to 90%, permeating the mucous membranes, invade the tissues is an unicum between the environment and living things.

The water delivered from the aqueduct normally contains in varying multitude degrees of substances at high risk for our favourites, though “almost harmless” for a us humans.
But then what? We often make use of household cleaners, to water softeners (also called demineralization or deionizers), which, however, are not suitable to our purpose: the ion-exchange resins of which they consist provide us with low or zero water content limestone, very useful for various domestic purposes (such as iron or steam in the boiler espresso), but unsuitable for fish life.

The only valid choice remains  filtered water by the reverse osmosis device: the result is water without the impurities.

The water thus obtained is perfectly pure and fitted to receive the specific mixture for fish life. These mixtures, which commonly find at your local retail store will give the right dose of salts and trace elements thus obtaining a water fully compatible with the requirements of each species bred in the aquarium.


Ice is the indispensable element in 99% of cases for the preparation of cocktails.
It can be said that the cold is a component of the cocktail just like the spirits and liqueurs.
The homemade ice is not the best for cocktails, especially if too much water limestone, no good, you have to use pure water is preferable if you do not have a home water treatment device for the aqueduct’s better to use the ‘natural mineral water.

For those who want to engage in the preparation of cocktails frequently should consider the possibility of having
– A device for water treatment
– The ice machine or a refrigerator with built-in ice maker
The ice if it is not hard crystalline, it is ideal to have the ice machine which allows to obtain crystalline hard cubes that dissolve very slowly while maintaining the long cold drink of water down rapidly thus avoiding the cocktail.
Of course, the ice got out of the car built in some refrigerators is fine.

How can we have available  water  that we want?
Our suggestion
The reverse osmosis devices that JC submit at your attention are the WAS, produced in Slovenia.

Among the characteristics we want infor you:
– Have an electronic program for the operation and control of the quality water
– Direct filtration system without storage tank , thanks to the high-performance pumping
– Automatic wash system prevents the formation of bacteria
– They are equipped with water -stop system that blocks any loss of water
– The buzzer and the LEDs alert you in case of malfunction
– Is signaled when to replace filters

For a healthy philosophy  JC does not choose to distribute products that in addition to treating the water to make carbonated water with addition of carbon dioxide.

Related articles
The importance of water in tea preparation
The importance of water in the preparation of the beer


From the ancient fountain at the “Kiosk Water” household appliance for the refinement of the water.
The public fountain in the urban environment has been the central and defining point of the city, often represented as architectural / sculptural.
The diffusion of water distribution networks in cities allowed within a few years of having drinking water in homes that directly led to a reduction in the objective ‘ “usefulness” of the fountains as a source of water supply .

From the Green Dragon, Toret …… to the water kiosks ……. to the domestic device

Given that the Water Kiosks are also fed by tap water with characteristics of quality at source should be in accordance with the requirements of the law, the experience gained over the years in this regard allows us to state that these installations over to improve certain organoleptic, through a water treatment process water supply, characteristics that best meet the benefit of end users guarantee a significant return to general image as it helps to promote the concept of ” sustainable world” (less bottles, less transport, etc…).

In order to facilitate the proper supply of water from the stand , avoiding risks from the point of view of sanitation , we all have to abide by certain rules among which , not so exhaustive, include:
– The prohibition to apply or pull over to the taps of water supply devices of various kinds to allow abnormal mode of withdrawal (eg, rods, extension cords, etc..).
– The prohibition of touching or soiling: regulators, grid and the ground plane underneath.

And if you do not want to go frequently at the Kiosk with the basket of bottles or if you are not sure that everyone respects the rules for the use of water kiosks ?

The solution is to equip yourself with a domestic appliance for the treatment of water with direct system without reservoir , so that , at your home, you will have the opportunity to drink and cook with your water when you want it and without having to store.

Remember if you want to store the water :
– Use bottles and / or containers to be used exclusively for that purpose , in choosing the preferred glass
– Use containers with airtight lid .
– Before any withdrawals you check the cleanliness of the container.
– Do not fill containers completely but leave a little ‘ air between the cork and the liquid level .
– Keep the water in a cool place and do not leave it in places exposed to the sun or heat .
– Do not keep it for long periods , preferring to frequent supply avoiding making large stocks .

The reverse osmosis devices that JC submit at your attention are the WAS, produced in Slovenia.

Among the characteristics we want to tell them:
– Have an electronic program for the operation and control of the quality water
– Direct filtration system without storage tank , thanks to the high-performance pumping
– Automatic wash system prevents the formation of bacteria
– They are equipped with water -stop system that blocks any loss of water
– The buzzer and the LEDs alert you in case of malfunction
– Is signaled when to replace filters

For a philosophy healthy JC does not chooses to distribute products that in addition to treating the water to make carbonated water with addition of carbon dioxide.

Related articles
The importance of water in tea preparation
The importance of water in the preparation of the beer


The way in which a tea is prepared significantly influences the organoleptic characteristics of the infusion which is obtained. In this process, the choice of water plays a fundamental role.

The water for the preparation of a good tea should not be too alkaline because this causes the oxidation of the polyphenols contained in the tea and the consequent precipitation, with the result of producing an infusion flat and devoid of flavor, should not have a high content of iron, copper and other metals, as this tends to make the infusion darker altering the taste of tea.

Water is the mother of tea, teapot his father and fire his teacher.

Already Tang Lu Yu, the most important character in the history of tea of all time in his famous Cha Jing pointed out that the quality of the water can affect the taste of the tea. The characteristics and the temperature of the water, its quantity relative to the weight of the tea, the infusion time and the type of instruments used are the factors to be taken into consideration to better prepare any type of tea.

The first consideration suggested by Lu Yu is never to use water that has rested or stagnant: the best water for tea should always be fresh and current.

For this reason, the best water of which each of us has in our home is the current that comes from the tap, as long as it has good chemical and organoleptic quality.

How to recognize then a good tap water suitable for the preparation of tea?

Taken first and foremost a cup of cold water from the tap, smell and taste it: first of all must not have any unpleasant odors or flavors, and these would be strasmited to the infusion of the tea ruining aromas and taste. In particular, the excessive presence of chlorine – added to water for hygienic reasons – will alter the organoleptic quality of the infusion of tea.

Although the hardness of the water – that is, the concentration of ions of calcium and magnesium affect the color and taste of the tea making it more bitter, so it is better to avoid the use of hard water.

We want to remember also that the water distributed by public water systems, is strictly controlled and treated to make it hygienically safe. However, the treatments used and the distribution problems, such as switching the tubes until your tap water could enrich foreign substances of chemical and organic nature should be properly filtered.

In consideration of the above, the best water for tea preparation is always the current of the tap, but this water may not be suitable for the preparation of tea due to bad quality chemical, physical and organoleptic characteristics. A good solution is therefore represented by the use of installations of filtering water devices which significantly reduce chlorine, metals, hardness, solids and organic chemical nature.

How can we have available water we want?

Equipped with the device for household use for the treatment of drinking water WAS system with reverse osmosis filtration and adjusting the bypass valve can get YOUR WATER.

The importance of water in the preparation of tea can be now well understood with a simple practical test, it is sufficient to prepare with bottled mineral water, tap water and filtered tap water the same type of tea, taken from the same package in equal quantities, with the same type of cup or teapot (JC recommends the porcelains CATBRIYUR) and with the same time of infusion.

Compare the three infusions of tea evaluating the color, transparency, clarity, quality of the aromas and taste.

In a moment, the answer will be clear.


The art of making beer at home

Although the beer is made ​​up of 90-95% water, the importance of this element is underestimate, because usually the beer you can be produce without worrying too much about water.
It true that it is relatively easy to produce a beer “discrete”, it is more difficult to make it a “very good”.
The brewer pointing excellence must necessarily treat all aspects and the water is one of these, the water, in fact, (or rather its composition in terms of mineral salts and any other dissolved substances) affect the taste of the beer .

Here are some examples of waters traditionally used to make pils, dunkel, stouts, ales and dort (ppm/mg/l)

How can we have available water we want?

With the device for domestic use for the treatment of drinking water WAS with reverse osmosis filtration system and adjusting the bypass valve you can get YOUR WATER.

With the WAS device you have available water very “soft” and treat it with salt to reach the desired levels. The salts can be found in the wineshops and/or homebrewing shops.